NeighborWoods Volunteer Waiver

In consideration for the opportunity to volunteer with Greensboro Beautiful and the City of Greensboro, I acknowledge and agree to the following:

  • My work with Greensboro Beautiful and the City of Greensboro is strictly voluntary and I understand I will receive no compensation or employment benefits of any kind for this work. I also understand that I may be relieved of my duties as a volunteer at the sole discretion of Greensboro Beautiful or the City of Greensboro.
  • My duties will be assigned to me by a member of Greensboro Beautiful or City staff. I will not engage in any duties for which I have not been assigned.
  • In addition to the above policies, I will not engage in any criminal activities while performing my volunteer services with Greensboro Beautiful and/or the City of Greensboro.
  • I understand that I am not covered by the City of Greensboro Workers’ Compensation insurance policy and acknowledge that I am not entitled to such coverage under the laws of the State of North Carolina because I am a volunteer.
  • I am at least eighteen years of age, or if not, I have secured the signature of my parent or guardian (see below if applicable).
  • If participant is a minor (under 18 years of age): the minor’s parent/legal guardian understands and agrees that the minor must arrive with, and be accompanied by, a supervising adult at all times during this event. Greensboro Beautiful is not responsible for monitoring the minor’s continued presence at the event, and is not responsible for confirming who the minor arrives or departs with.
  • I understand that each volunteer must complete a waiver in my group and they should complete the waiver 7 days prior to the event. 
  •  By signing this waiver, I understand that I may be photographed on the day of the event and posted on the internet or on social media sites. If I do not wish to be photographed, I will step out of the photo before it is taken. I will hold Greensboro Beautiful harmless if my photo is posted on social media or the internet and will notify [email protected] if I would like it removed. 
  • By signing this waiver, the volunteer and Guardian are agreeing to the conditions of the waiver. 

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